

عن سار

من هي سار؟

الخطوط الحديدية السعودية، المعروفة أيضًا باسم "السكك الحديدية السعودية" أو "السار"، هي نظام نقل حديدي في المملكة العربية السعودية. تمثل هذه الشبكة الحديدية جزءًا من جهود المملكة لتحسين وتوسيع وسائل النقل والبنية التحتية لتلبية احتياجات النقل وتعزيز الاقتصاد الوطني.

1+ مليون
راكب خلال 2023
مدينة مغطآة
عام من التشغيل
حجز شهري
الريادة في تقديم حلول مبتكرة ومستدامة للنقل والخدمات اللوجستية
خلق ورفع القيمة لمساهمي القطاع وخدمة المجتمع وتمكين القدرة التنافسية للمملكة من خلال تقديم وإيجاد حلول آمنة ومستدامة وممكنة رقميًا في مجال النقل والخدمات اللوجستية تلبي حاجة العميل
خدمة العملاء الابتكار
  • قيمة أعلى للمساهمين ، وتقليل الاعتماد على الدعم الحكومي ، بحيث تصبح سار شركة رابحة بحلول عام 2025 م
  • دعم الشركات المحلية وزيادة المحتوى المحلي
  • تقليل الحوادث والانبعاثات الكربونية
  • تقديم خدمة متميزة تحوز على رضا عملائنا
  • استقطاب أصحاب الكفاءات والخبرات المتميزة في المملكة والمحافظة عليها
  • تطوير البنية التحتية للسكك الحديدية لتكون الأفضل في المملكة العربية السعودية

Sar Features

Why Sar is the best!

Comfort and safety amenities

Saudi Railways, also known as "Saudi Railway Company" or "SAR", is a railway transportation system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This railway network represents

The best and fastest trains

Saudi Railways Organization, also known as "Saudi Railways" or "SAR", is a railway transportation system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This railway network represents...

Loyalty and Rewards Points

Saudi Railways Organization, also known as "Saudi Railways" or "SAR", is a railway transportation system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This railway network represents...

Comfort and security

Saudi Railways, also known as "Saudi Railway Company" or "SAR", is a railway transportation system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This railway network represents

Comfort and security

Saudi Railways, also known as "Saudi Railway Company" or "SAR", is a railway transportation system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This railway network represents

The best and fastest trains

Saudi Railways Organization, also known as "Saudi Railways" or "SAR", is a railway transportation system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This railway network represents...

Loyalty and Rewards Points

Saudi Railways Organization, also known as "Saudi Railways" or "SAR", is a railway transportation system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This railway network represents...

Comfort and security

Saudi Railways, also known as "Saudi Railway Company" or "SAR", is a railway transportation system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This railway network represents

Comfort and security

Saudi Railways, also known as "Saudi Railway Company" or "SAR", is a railway transportation system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This railway network represents

The best and fastest trains

Saudi Railways Organization, also known as "Saudi Railways" or "SAR", is a railway transportation system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This railway network represents...

Loyalty and Rewards Points

Saudi Railways Organization, also known as "Saudi Railways" or "SAR", is a railway transportation system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This railway network represents...

Comfort and security

Saudi Railways, also known as "Saudi Railway Company" or "SAR", is a railway transportation system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This railway network represents

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Learn more about SAR

Our story

In the 1940s, the leadership of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was setting the beginnings of its plans with perseverance and foresight for the sake of economic development for the well-being of its citizens. At that time, the Kingdom was not as it is now. Step by step, oil extraction began, so there was an urgent need to establish a port on the Gulf coast. ,Arab transportation, and safe, fast, sustainable, and low-cost means of transportation.

Railway network

The Northern Railway network, which was formerly known as the North-South Railway (NSR), which has a length of (2,750 km), although parts of it are still under construction, is classified as the longest railway lines in the world. ,It uses the European Traffic Management System ETCS -L2'', a unique signaling and communication system to ensure the interoperable operation of railway networks. ,It also provides higher reliability in punctuality, and raises the level of security and safety for passengers, employees and cargo.

Striving towards a
pleasant future!

It is a great step towards a new shift in which we src="chart a promising future that pushes our country to a better position and provides our valued customers with a distinctive experience.

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